

Hello, I'm Ida



fullstack web developer





Main page for the portfolio.




Project links




The personal portfolio is a place for me to showcase both who I am on a personal level but also what kind of developer I am. It's my "digital playground" where I get the opportunity to push the limits, learn and practice new things and fully express myself. For my portfolio I have decided to use react.js, gatsby.js and sanity.io, I decided to use these technologies as react is a reliable frontend framework, and gatsby offer a lot of functionality improving performance, accessibility and security. Sanity I used due to the ease of being able to edit certain parts of the website, without having to go into the code and redeploy every time I will update or add a new project, or edit the about me page. Gatsby and sanity go very well together, with several plugins for integration and through graphql you're able to query any relevant information to display on the website. There is still a lot of room for improvement, and this is still very much a work in progress. I have planned categories, or tags for the different projects with the possibility to filter using these, further accessibility and usability can always improve and will be a focus point for me in the coming weeks. My personal portfolio will be a ever growing and changing project, where I have put both my design and development skills to the test. For this project I have mainly used react, gatsby and sanity.io to personalise my website and showcase who I am. Read more...